These works are available to watch across our YouTube, Facebook and Instagram TV channels, and available to view online until Monday 31 May.
Watch online or see the works in person at Sumburgh Airport and Northlink Ferry Terminal from Thursday 1 April until Thursday 22 April.
Renzo Spiteri is an internationally respected multimedia artist, composer, creative musician and improviser who uses the sonic environment around him as primary source material that not only sets the tone to his work, but also acts as a powerful source of inspiration. He specialises in improvisation, field recording, sound collection, composition and sound design, and their application in installations, live performances and sonic material for film/moving image that he creates. Through his work, Renzo brings about a deeper sensorial engagement between listeners and his sonic creations, be it in public spaces, performance venues, film and art galleries.
Working between Shetland and Malta, Renzo is a creative musician with a performance career spanning more than 30 years whose projects and collaborations with artists have taken him on extraordinary journeys across the world, collaborating with contemporary dance choreographers, visual artists, theatre directors, spoken word artists and filmmakers.