November 1st will see the arrival in Shetland, of award winning writer, editor and film-maker, John Hudson who will take up a month long Creative Writing Residency in the Booth in Scalloway.

John Hudson has been working as a freelance writer since 1980; he is extra mural lecturer in English for the University of Glasgow and has wide ranging experience of delivering workshops, creative writing courses and creative residencies in Britain and Europe. He is Director of Literature for the Bakehouse, in Dumfrieshire where he lives and the editor of Markings, a high quality literary magazine. He is also the author of several volumes of poetry, including Garden of Love (2009) WiderEye; and The Pumpkin Lantern (2008) Markings.

John will run two sets of workshops. The first, a series of four sessions, will focus on different aspects of creative writing: from developing ideas to creative detachment and editing. The second will run on Saturday 7th and Saturday 14th of November and will look at publishing – in particular internet publishing. The sessions will allow participants to develop the skills and the knowledge needed to make the most of modern publishing opportunities, particularly relevant to Shetlanders given their distance from markets and publishing companies. John will also be offer one-to-one sessions with local writers.

The residency is run by Shetland Arts and supported by funding from the Scottish Arts Council.  Literature Development Officer, Donald Anderson said, “ John Hudson is an immensely enthusiastic and highly motivational writing tutor, with a wealth of knowledge and experience. We are delighted that he has agreed to take up this residency and we hope that writers in Shetland of every level of experience will benefit from his input.”

In order to book a one-to-one session with John, phone Donald Anderson or Emily Sharp on 01595 743 843. For further information and to book a place on the workshops phone Shetland Box Office on 01595 745 555.

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