Media release:
Every year, Imaginate, The Bank of Scotland International Children’s Festival brings the best theatre available for children and young people to Scotland. Over recent years companies have travelled outside Edinburgh and performed in different parts of the country. Once again Shetland Arts is delighted that once again a company is coming from the Festival to perform in the Garrison Theatre.
Story of a Family (and everyday things) is presented by Compagnia Rodisio from Italy. Physical, funny and genuinely moving the show is a delicious peek at a family through the eyes of a child. While every family is different, some things are the same no matter where you live. So as well as being hysterically funny and touching, the show promises to be ‘oh, so familiar.
Shetland Arts Drama Development Officer John Haswell said; “this is a wonderful opportunity for Shetland audiences to experience some of the best theatre available for young people. We are delighted to once again be part of the Imaginate Festival tour. The quality of the shows we have brought up in the past has been phenomenal. This show has received stunning reviews at the festival and we are excited at the prospect of seeing in here.
Story of a Family lasts for an hour is best suited for those aged 10 and over There is one public performance of the show at the Garrison Theatre on Tuesday 9th June at 7.30. Tickets (priced £5.00/£3.50) are available from the Shetland Box Office on 745555
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