#EvenHereEvenNow is a campaign to amplify the voices of Scotland’s island-based artists, supported by Shetland Arts, An Lanntair in the Isle of Lewis, Taigh Chearsabhagh in North Uist and the Pier Arts Centre in Orkney.
The campaign is in full flow and we still have lots of inspiring events for island-based creative practitioners to get involved with, whether you're in Glasgow, Uist, Shetland, Lewis - or can only participate online. Check out what's coming up below!
GLASGOW Even Here, Even Now – a celebration of island-based artists St George’s Tron Church, Glasgow, Friday 31 January, 6pm Register your place now!
Even Here, Even Now’s first event on the mainland offers the chance to meet island artists, find out more about our artist manifesto, and be a part of the #EvenHereEvenNow campaign. The early evening networking event - the same weekend as three major Celtic Connections gigs showcasing musicians from Orkney, Shetland, Uist and the Isle of Lewis – will include live performances by Josie Duncan and Amy Laurenson.
SHETLAND Even Here in Bigton - Bigton Public Hall, Fri 31 Jan & Sat 1 Feb, 9.30am Register your place now!
Hosted by Bigton Collective, EVEN HERE showcases the project's manifesto and invites comment, feedback and ideas on the campaign that aims to empower and amplify the voices of island-based artists.
Join the conversation and learn more about the #EvenHereEvenNow project at a drop-in session at Sellafirth Hall with local musician, songwriter and composer Barry Nisbet.
UIST Even Here: Pecha Kucha, Taigh Chearsabhagh café, North Uist, 7 February, 6pm-8pm Register your place now!
Join us for four short presentations by artists on the theme of Ecology. What does this look like to you? What does it feel like? Presentations can be on specific projects or more widely about your practice.
If you are on Uist and would like to do a presentation for this event, please contact [email protected] by Friday 31 January.
There will be a small bursary for those that are selected. A Pecha Kucha is a very short talk, with 20 image based slides, and 20 seconds for each slide. These can be of your work, things that inspire you or reflections on the theme. It’s a fun, fast format to work with; a great practice for those who are new to presenting, and a great exercise for those who are more well versed.
Online plus in-person at Cnoc Solleir (South Uist) and Mareel (Shetland), Wednesday 12 February, 10am-12.30pm
Join LOW PROFILE for a deep dive into how to build your own art scene. We’ll cover things like mapping your scene and finding allies, identifying new opportunities for making/showing artwork in non-traditional spaces, and top tips for teaming up with other creative practitioners to make things happen. Find out more about LOW PROFILE’s practice at we-are-low-profile.com
This hybrid event will be delivered online by LOW PROFILE and screened at Cnoc Solleirin South Uist and Mareel in Shetlandwhere we invite participants to come together and take part collectively (a limited number of places are also available for Lewis-based artists to join online). In Uist there is a travel bursary for in-person attendees. Please contact [email protected] for details. There is also the opportunity to stay for the Cidsin Ceilidh at Cnoc Solleir for those attending in-person to enjoy some tunes by local musicians.
This event is supported by Engage Scotland Connecting Moments fund. Connecting Moments is supported by the National Lottery through Creative Scotland.
LEWIS Even Here, Even Now Artist Gathering, An Lanntair, Friday 21 February, 6pm Register your place now!
Explore the themes of the Even Here, Even Now artist manifesto in this creative workshop event for artists in Lewis & Harris. How can we make life better for island-based artists? How do we advocate for ourselves nationally? You are invited to add your voice to the manifesto – including, if you like, rewriting and reshaping it completely.
The #EvenHereEvenNow campaign builds on Even Here, Even Now, a 2024 manifesto jointly written by artists living in Shetland, Orkney and the Outer Hebrides that celebrates island-based artists and advocates for transformative change.
#EvenHereEvenNow is evolving and we want you to be a part of it. If you are an island-based artist we hope you can add your voice. We have launched an Even Here, Even Now Facebook group with over 190 members, as a forum for Scotland's island-based creatives - writers, visual artists, musicians, film-makers, theatre-makers, designers, craft-makers etc. Anyone who is island-based and has a creative practice - either professional or amateur - is welcome, join us today.