In conjunction with a new Visual Artist Award scheme run by Shetland Arts, a show of recent prints by Andrew Morrison will be exhibited in the Mill Cafe at Bonhoga Gallery, Weisdale Mill from 3 September – 4 October for the duration of the Shetland Open Art Exhibition, and at Islesburgh Community Centre, Lerwick throughout Wordplay – Shetland Arts’ book festival which runs over the weekend of 5 – 6 September.

Earlier this year Andrew received a Visual Artist Award from Shetland Arts, enabling him to purchase the necessary equipment to develop his work into printmaking. The resulting set of nine screen prints is bold, imaginative and wildly expressive; characterful portrayals of mysterious characters and narratives that invite the viewer to create their own stories for each set of three prints.

The show illustrates the importance of the Visual Artist Award, funded by Shetland Arts, The Scottish Arts Council and SIC Economic Development Unit, which offers up to £1000 for the development of an artist’s work. The scheme, ‘Visual Artist Awards: Shetland Arts in partnership with Scottish Arts Council’, is part of a national funding scheme for visual artists.

Clair Aldington, who co-ordinates the Visual Artist Award in her capacity of Visual Arts Development Officer, said, ‘Andrew’s imagination and creative innovation shone out of his application for funding to develop his work, and the panel were unanimous in their decision to make this award. The resulting work is strong and powerful, and shows off his incredible illustrative style.’

View Andrew's prints on Shetland Arts' Flickr site.

Alongside Andrew’s work at Islesburgh will be original artwork by visiting cartoonist, writer and broadcaster Steven Appleby known for his work in Saturday’s Guardian newspaper, and a series of natural history photographs by visiting poet, essayist, musician and photographer Gerry Cambridge.

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