The Travelling Gallery will be arriving in Shetlandthis month with its latest exhibition, Drawn In.  The exhibition is a fascinating exploration of drawing as a tool for unlocking the imagination, and the visit to the islands is the final part of its fifteen week tour of Scotland. The Travelling Gallery is a custom-built, mobile, contemporary art space supported by Creative Scotland to bring world class visual art to schools and communities throughout Scotland.

The gallery will be visiting schools across Shetland, and will be open to public at the Toll Clock Shopping Centre Car Park, Lerwick on Saturday 11th June from 1pm – 5pm. Visitors will be able to see new artworks specially commissioned for the Travelling Gallery’s unique space with the help of new funds from The Esmée Fairbairn Foundation and Creative Scotland, including an animation by Katy Dove inspired by the Scottish landscape, a bold wall drawing by Rob Churm and sculptural installations by artist Franziska Furter.

There are also works from Japanese performance artist Sachiko Abe, Belgium based brother and sister Sara and Wout Bomans, Richard Forster, Alex Frost and Swiss artist Nicolas Party. [See below for more detail on the artists and their work.] In addition, visitors to the gallery will have the special opportunity of being able to look at sketchbooks from many of the exhibiting artists as well as artists involved in the Travelling Gallery education programme.

The Travelling Gallery’s visit to the Shetland Islandshas been supported by the Creative Links Team at Shetland IslandsCouncil.

The gallery will visit the following venues:

Monday 6th June – Sound Primary School Tuesday 7th June – Bells Brae Primary School Wednesday 8th June – Baltasound Junior High School Thursday 9th June – Mid Yell Junior High School Friday 10th June – Brae High School Saturday 11th June – Toll Clock Shopping Centre Car Park 1pm – 5pm

Monday 13th June – Sandwick Junior High School Tuesday 14th June – Aith Junior High School Wednesday 15th June – Whalsay Junior High School Thursday 16th June – Scalloway Junior High School Friday 17th June – Anderson High School See <>  for all the details or ‘like’ us on Facebook

Images are available. Please contact:Vicky Konieczny / Sheila Capewell, Travelling Gallery Assistants T: 0131 529 3930 E: [email protected] The Artists SACHIKO ABERecently Sachiko Abe performed each day of the Liverpool Biennale cutting millimetre lines of paper from an A4 sheet. This beautifully eloquent event is represented here by a pencil drawing and a film by Sachiko and Ben Rivers. SARA and WOUT BOMANSSara Bomans has created characteristic hair-drawings based on the sketches of hybrid creatures and monsters drawn by her 9 year old brother Wout. <> ROB CHURMRob Churm makes drawings using basic materials such as pens, biros, Tipp-ex, ink and brushes. He explores new ideas but often finds himself returning to common themes – things that have balance, things that flow and their interruptions, rivers and bones, people and animals, cigarettes and light bulbs, explosions, patterns and empty spaces. <> KATY DOVEDestinations the gallery travels to have been chosen as starting points for this new work. Photographic and filmed footage were captured in several locations around Scotland including Helmsdale and The Black Isle. Birdsong from these places has been mixed with other sounds to form the soundtrack for the film.  Katy Dove is just beginning a residency in New York supported by Creative RICHARD FORSTERPainstakingly detailed, almost photo-real pencil drawings made from snapshots, or pages torn from magazines that have particular resonance for the artist, explore our understanding of what we are looking at, so questioning both the thing itself and the image of the thing. <> ALEX FROSTThe source photographs – which for much of the series are self-portraits of the artist with his eyes closed - are processed using software designed to transform images into stitch-patterns for computer-controlled looms. Frost punches pinholes through the resulting stitch marks by hand, then lays the template on the ground and forces enamel paint through the holes from the back to make an image on the front. www.alexfrost.comm <http://www.alexfrost.comm/> FRANZISKA FURTERA 5mm wide line of very thin aluminium leaf whirls around on the wall and forms loops, a loose knot without a beginning or an end. As the viewer moves along the drawing the reflections from the line change from dark to shiny to invisible. The second work made out of thousands of knots with nylon threads, is like a three-dimensional drawing hanging from the wall. NICOLAS PARTYNicolas Party’s still life drawings always include the same series of objects, teapots, pots, sausages and fruits. The artist sees these objects as different characters and every drawing involves a new situation, a new intrigue between the characters, while the table functions as a theatre stage. Nicolas recently exhibited at the Collective Gallery as part of the New Work Scotland Programme. <>

The Travelling Gallery, City Art Centre, 2 Market Street Edinburgh EH1 1DE Email: [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>       Website: <> Tel: 0131 529 3930

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