With the Garrison Films Long Weekend coming up from 17th to 21st August you still have a chance to submit an entry for the Shetland Film Critic of the Year 2011, so sharpen your pencils and have a go!  Read on.....

Screenplay 2011 - Shetland’s Film Festival invites you to take part in the Shetland Film Critic of the Year Competition by writing a film review and sending it to us.  You must be a Shetlander by birth or residency, (including those currently in higher education).

 We ask that you choose any of the films that are due to be screened at The Garrison Theatre from now until 21st August (see local press and other media for details).

 There are two classes of entry:    a) 12 to 16 yrs        b) over 17 yrs  

For 12 – 16 years entrants, the minimum word limit is 250 words and the maximum word limit is 400 words (excluding the film title).

 For the over 17s, the minimum word limit is 500 and the maximum is 800 (excluding the film title).

 It would be best if you could type your review, but you will not be penalised for writing it by hand (please make sure we can read it!).  Please ensure that your name and contact details are submitted on a separate page and do not appear anywhere in the review. This is to ensure fairness in the judging process.

 You can submit more than one entry, but please make sure they are for different films.

 The competition will be judged by internationally acclaimed film critics Mark Kermode and Linda Ruth Williams, and the awards will be made at the Screenplay 2011 Film Festival at the Garrison Theatre on Sunday 4th September at a time to be advertised.

 The prize for the 12 – 16 years entrants is £50, with £25 to the runner-up.

 The prize for the 17yrs and over is £100, with £50 to the runner up (well, we are asking them to do twice the amount of work……..).

 You can approach your subject in a variety of ways, but what we are looking for is more than a simple description of what happened in the film. We don’t want to dictate what you include in your review (or there would be no point in having a competition) but here are a few things you might want to think about:

 How did this film affect you?  What might others think about it – to which audiences would this film appeal?  Was it convincing - and does that matter?  What did you think about the acting or the dialogue?  Did the soundtrack help or hinder the experience of watching the film?  What message – if any – did you think the director was trying to get across? Was the film worth watching? Why? Why not?

 Note – these are not requirements in your reviews, they are simply here to get you starting to think about the film you have seen.  What we really want is to get a sense of your interest in and passion for films on the Big Screen, and we’ll be looking for a sense of that in your reviews.

 Please send your reviews to Kathy Hubbard at Shetland Arts, The Toll Clock Centre, 26 North Rd, Lerwick, ZE1 0DE or e-mail them to her at [email protected]

 The deadline for submissions is 22nd August 2011.

 We look forward to reading your reviews!

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