I asked each artist to do a drawing of whatever they wanted on a post-it note but to keep it hidden, DON’T SHOW ANYBODY.
We asked questions of David Mach’s collages, and the public will do the same with the artwork we make. But how do you read art?
Groups of 4-5, sat in a circles. I distributed the drawings back out again. The aim of the game is to make up a story using the random drawings you get – even if you don’t know what the drawing is of – just make it up. Line up the drawings and create a narrative. In other words – read the drawings.
The artists did this with huge imaginations – some of the stories were so elaborate. One particular highlight was ‘she looked to the sky and the stars were shaped like apples’, I wish I recorded everything each group said! The narrative came easily to them – we can all make up stories. We looked around us at David Mach’s work. We can read his images like a story book – its just up to you, the viewer to make it up, and its up to us, the artists to give the story some roots, some content.
Luckily, we will get a second chance to do this! I will record the artists ‘reading’ the artworks like they did with they post-its will end up being THE AUDIO GUIDE for the final exhibition.
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