As summer draws to a close, it’s that time of year again when we bid farewell and good luck to all our wonderful summer staff, who are heading back to their studies or starting their university journey for the first time.

Before heading back to University, we got the opportunity to sit down with Bobbi - one of our Customer Service Assistants - for a chat about her experience working for Shetland Arts at Mareel.

Tell us about your role at Mareel:

‘I work behind the bar serving coffees and drinks and behind the front desk running the box office and cinema, I'm leaving because I'm heading back to uni.’

What’s your favourite part about the job?

‘My favourite part of the job is definitely the staff who work here. Everyone here is so friendly and you can make great friends here. The customer service managers are great, they're always super helpful and accommodating.’

What’s the best shift you’ve worked?

‘Gig and festival nights are for sure my favourites. The best shifts are when the building is full. I would have to say the Folk Festival has been my favourite of them all, the atmosphere is brilliant.’

What would you say to those who might be interested in applying for a role at Shetland Arts?

‘I would say to go for it and apply. I've worked here since I was 16 and my needs have always been met - For example, after school work, full time and part time, and a summer contract. There is flexibility around exam time, term time, and other commitments. I've been given access to various types of training which allows me to build my CV - Servewise, Food & Hygiene, Good Night out, Autism Awareness and Disability Inclusion and more.

And finally, if you could be in any film or band what would it be?

'If I could be in any film it would be One Direction: This is us.'

Thanks so much Bobbi – have a great time away and hopefully see you at Christmas!

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